Thursday, June 21, 2012

Another excuse to eat dessert for breakfast!

So a couple weeks ago, I gained 10 lbs in 5 days. This quickly sent me into panic mode that all my late night cupcaking was finally catching up to me. I made a pact to eat in the best way I know how, and that's raw fooding. Just like when I tried vegetarianism and veganism, I decided to give it a go for one week to see how it went. Now I never committed to full raw- I just have no idea how to do that. Essentially, when you are a raw foodist you don't eat food cooked over 104c to preserve the living status of the food. This shit is hard, but I'm getting there.. After doing this for one week, I have a few observations.
1) Raw fooding makes your body feel amazing. Like "my cells have all banded together and are having a rave" kind of amazing.
2) It's astounding how fast your body can burn through $40 in nuts.
3) Simple vegetables really can taste delicious on their own, but you have to get rid of the other crap that's killing your taste buds.
4) A big salad for dinner actually can be the most filling and yummy part of your day.
5)If you're a sugar junkie like me, you won't actually perish from sugar cravings. In fact, I barely had any!
I realize this dessert isn't made with oranges. And I'm not the world's best dad. Deal with it.
So here is the tastiest thing I've made in the past couple days. It tastes amazing and you can have it for breakfast! Since the beauty of this is it's simplicity, I'm going to force you to cook without measuring. It's awesome and you can do it!
Raw Orange Yum

One orange peeled and cut up
2 handfuls pecans
1 lrg handful dates
Process all ingredients except oranges in a food processor until crumbly. Peel and cut orange, put it in a bowl and top with fruit/nut mixture. Best enjoyed in sock monkey pajama pants while contemplating the complexities of life.

1 comment:

  1. LOL..far too long..!aT@Av/
