1) Raw fooding makes your body feel amazing. Like "my cells have all banded together and are having a rave" kind of amazing.
2) It's astounding how fast your body can burn through $40 in nuts.
3) Simple vegetables really can taste delicious on their own, but you have to get rid of the other crap that's killing your taste buds.
4) A big salad for dinner actually can be the most filling and yummy part of your day.
5)If you're a sugar junkie like me, you won't actually perish from sugar cravings. In fact, I barely had any!
I realize this dessert isn't made with oranges. And I'm not the world's best dad. Deal with it. |
Raw Orange Yum
One orange peeled and cut up
2 handfuls pecans
1 lrg handful dates
Process all ingredients except oranges in a food processor until crumbly. Peel and cut orange, put it in a bowl and top with fruit/nut mixture. Best enjoyed in sock monkey pajama pants while contemplating the complexities of life.